
This morning, my four-month-old baby was lying on the bed when the family elder forcefully shook the baby’s head. At the time, the baby’s body was on the bed, and the head was lifted and vigorously shaken. I am worried whether this action would cause harm to the baby.


Based on your description, the baby may not have sustained serious injury from this experience. However, for safety’s sake, you should closely monitor any unusual behavior in your baby over the next few hours, such as changes in eating, sleeping, or mood. Pay attention to whether your baby shows any of the following: reduced milk intake, less water consumption than usual, abnormal nap times, or unnatural expressions. If you do not notice these abnormalities, there is no need to be overly concerned. These suggestions are for reference only. If you still have concerns or notice any unusual conditions in your baby, it is recommended to seek medical examination promptly. Wishing your baby good health!