
My daughter is 8 years old, and she has been complaining about ear pain for the past week. When I checked this morning, I found that the earwax was purulent and slightly yellow, accompanied by headaches and fever. How should one treat ear pain in children with otitis media?


When treating ear pain caused by children’s otitis media, you can administer appropriate doses of antibiotic medication. You can also opt for regional medication treatment using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child’s ear pain symptoms are severe, painkillers can be used to alleviate the pain. Additionally, if the child has a fever, appropriate antipyretics can be administered. However, if there are symptoms of high fever, it is recommended to visit a hospital as soon as possible. In cases of tympanic membrane perforation, immediate surgical treatment should be sought. Parents should also take precautions to protect their child’s ears and prevent recurrence of otitis media.