
My baby is now 4 months and 12 days old. Lately, the baby has been crying before afternoon naps at night, and it took a long time to calm down on the first night. On the third night, no matter how I tried to soothe the baby, it couldn’t fall asleep. Once the baby cried enough, it stopped crying, and after a while of soothing, it fell asleep. This hasn’t happened before; the baby used to fall asleep quickly after being soothed during night naps. These two days, the baby often wakes up during afternoon naps, and the daytime sleep duration isn’t very long. The baby sleeps five or six times during the day for short periods of time, but each nap is less than half an hour. There were occasional awakenings during daytime naps before, but the baby didn’t cry when it woke up. The baby would just take a short nap when it was tired.


Based on your description, your baby might be experiencing a calcium deficiency. Please observe if there are symptoms such as excessive sweating, thin hair, or bald spots on the pillow. You can give your baby cod liver oil while also administering oral calcium gluconate. Also, be aware of any eczema or discomfort like bloating. These suggestions are for a 4-month-old-old baby’s condition and are intended to be helpful. Wishing you and your baby health!