
The 5-month-old baby has been sneezing and has a runny nose since yesterday, and everything he ate last night was thrown up. The baby has a runny nose accompanied by a slight cough due to the common cold. How should I deal with this?


A 5-month-old baby experiencing a runny nose and mild cough is typically considered a common cold. In handling this situation, it is recommended to give the baby small, frequent sips of fluids, avoid exposing the baby to people with colds, and administer oral medication such as pediatric Bao Tai Kang granules. If symptoms do not improve after 2 to 3 days, please take the baby to the hospital for a detailed examination. Additionally, if the baby’s stool color turns green, it may be related to the common cold, and probiotics such as Xiao Pei Fei Kang can be considered for adjustment. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish the baby good health!