
A 5-month-old baby experienced vomiting of red saliva during the polio vaccine administration, and the parents are in doubt about whether a booster shot is necessary and if they should schedule the pentavalent vaccine 37 days later.


Based on the parents’ description, if the baby vomited after receiving the polio vaccine, it can be supplemented with another dose. The polio vaccination schedule involves administering two doses at two, three, and six months of age. The pentavalent vaccine includes protection against B-type Haemophilus influenzae, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio. The fifth dose of the polio vaccine is scheduled at four years old, not on an as-needed basis. It is not scientifically advisable to administer the pentavalent vaccine 37 days later. Vaccinations should be strictly adhered to the recommended vaccination schedule and not be arbitrarily increased.