
What are the reasonable dietary recommendations for a 2-year-old girl with tonsillitis, who is experiencing throat pain and difficulty swallowing?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and once they do, it is important to seek medical examination and treatment promptly. In terms of diet, it is recommended to focus on vegetables and fruits, as they are lighter and rich in various nutrients, which can help boost the child’s immunity. When selecting fruits, avoid overly cold ones and opt for neutral fruits such as apples and kiwis. For staple foods, choose soft, finely textured options like congee and noodles, which can prevent affecting swallowing and causing constipation, thereby aggravating the condition. Additionally, do not let the child consume seafood or dog meat, as these foods may worsen the condition. Parents should help their children develop good eating habits, ensure hygienic and healthy eating, and cultivate the habit of not being picky or biased in their diet.