
My baby is about a month old and has 4 to 5 bowel movements a day, most of the time with loose stools. Is this normal? Previous treatment and effectiveness: Not treated, seeking help for: …


Your baby might be a bit constipated, but generally, it’s nothing serious; there’s no need for medication unless there’s severe nausea and vomiting. It might be that mom has been eating cold fruits like watermelons, cantaloupe, pears, bitter melon, etc. Since it’s summer, it’s understandable to eat some fruits for cooling purposes, but only in small quantities. Mom should also avoid eating too greasy foods and opt for more steamed dishes over fried ones. Keep the diet light and avoid consuming excessive amounts of either cold or hot foods. This way, the baby will eat well and grow strong! If you’re worried, you can give your baby some probiotics to nourish their gut for a while.