The 11-month-old baby has been feeling uncomfortable recently. After waking up, the baby shivers, has cold lips, and trembles very severely. Their hands and feet are cold. After the episode, the baby has a high fever. What could this be? What was the past treatment and its effectiveness? The baby had a blood test, and the doctor said there was inflammation, so they were treated with intravenous fluids for four days and got better. However, the symptoms recurred after four days, and we are seeking help.
The normal body temperature is around 37.2°C. Unless the body temperature drops below 38.5°C (for adults) or 39°C (for children), there is no need to worry excessively. Sudden onset of low-grade fever may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection within the body, such as common cold, pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, or other acute inflammatory diseases. It is recommended to undergo a chest X-ray to determine if there is respiratory inflammation and to receive corresponding anti-inflammatory treatment. A brain CT scan can also be conducted to rule out the possibility of brain diseases.