
A three-month-old baby’s left arm is often kept in a curved position, unwilling to straighten out, even during gentle movements, and the baby frequently clenches its fists. Additionally, the baby’s toes are mostly curled up. What could be the cause of this? Are there any methods to alleviate or resolve this issue?


Based on the described situation, generally speaking, such behavior does not require excessive concern. In the womb, babies are usually curled up, with their hands tightly clenched, sometimes even holding onto themselves. After birth, babies will habitually make such movements, which is a normal part of development. It is recommended that parents continue to observe and gradually guide the baby through gentle movements. If parents feel worried, the best course of action is to visit the orthopedics department of a public hospital for a follow-up consultation, where a professional doctor can conduct a thorough diagnosis. Usually, if the problem is not severe, an X-ray examination is not necessary to avoid the impact of radiation on the baby’s growth. Generally, there is no major issue.