
My 7-year-old son, initially complaining of a sore throat, has been accompanied by a slight cough and now has a persistent high fever. What should be the proper treatment for pediatric tonsillitis?


When treating this condition, it is advisable to give the child symptomatic antibiotic medications. While taking the medication, regional treatments such as rinsing or direct application can reinforce the efficacy of the treatment. If the child’s primary symptom is throat pain, parents can consider giving some painkillers to alleviate discomfort. If the child has a fever, fever-reducing medication can be given. However, if the fever persists, it is imperative to seek medical attention promptly. These methods are among the commonly used treatments for tonsillitis. In addition, surgery is also a viable option for children with recurrent episodes. Parents should also pay attention to keeping their child warm to prevent colds from triggering a relapse of tonsillitis.