
“A baby who is 13 days old starts to vomit after breastfeeding for just a few minutes. After sleeping for half an hour or an hour, the baby gets hungry again. Although the milk supply is sufficient, it seems like the baby isn’t eating enough and has poor quality sleep. What could be the cause of this?”


“Based on the description, although the baby has an adequate milk supply, it may be due to improper feeding methods that prevent the baby from getting fully satisfied, thereby affecting deep sleep. It is recommended that mothers gently touch the upper lip of the baby while breastfeeding. Wait until the baby opens its mouth wide, then quickly bring the baby closer to the mother’s breast, ensuring that the baby latches on to both the nipple and areola, not just the nipple alone. This helps the baby to suckle correctly and ensures that the baby’s head, neck, and body are aligned in a straight line while the baby’s belly is close to the mother’s belly.”