
My baby often cries at night on the 14th day, is quiet during the daytime naps, and does not cry. However, when they sleep at night, they cry all night long. They cry shortly after feeding, and then eat and cry again. What could be the reason for this?


There are several common reasons why newborns may cry at night, and the first step is to rule out physiological needs such as hunger or the need to change a diaper. If these issues have been addressed but the baby still cries, it’s important to observe whether the baby is getting enough deep sleep during the day. If they sleep too much during the day and feed less often, it might lead to nighttime crying due to disrupted sleep rhythms. The above suggestions are for the question “My baby is quiet during the daytime naps on the 14th day,” hoping they will be helpful to you. Wishing you and your baby health!