My baby is 14 days old. Lately, they have been quieter during their afternoon nap, not crying. However, at night, they cry the whole time during the afternoon nap. I don’t know what’s wrong. They eat, sleep for a while, and then cry again. They eat and cry again. Their mood seems fine though.
Firstly, it’s important to rule out physiological causes. Are they hungry, or have they wet their diapers? They might need a change. After excluding these issues, if the child is crying besides these, pay close attention to whether they have enough deep sleep during the day. If they sleep too much during the day and breastfeed less, they might be out of sync with their sleep schedule at night. This is a suggestion for the issue of “the baby has been quieter during their afternoon nap on the 14th day.” I hope it helps and wish you health!