
Does a child still need medication after their fever of over 39 degrees has subsided following three days of IV therapy?


After three days of IV therapy, the child’s fever of over 39 degrees has subsided. However, one evening, the child’s temperature suddenly rose to 38.5 degrees again, and after taking fever-reducing medicine, the fever did not subside. The next day, when the child went to kindergarten in the evening, they had a fever of 39.4 degrees. They took two doses of children’s Tylenol that night but the fever did not recede. The next morning, they went to the hospital where a blood test indicated an upper respiratory infection. They were prescribed three days of IV therapy, which was completed on the same day and the fever subsided. Now there are no other symptoms. Since the IV therapy is done, should medication be continued to consolidate the treatment? Previous treatment and its effects: For the first 10 days, due to bronchitis, they also received three days of IV therapy for coughing which improved. For children, if diagnosed clearly and treated appropriately, the treatment should take effect quickly. According to your description, they have already received three days of injections and the symptoms have disappeared, so it should be appropriate to stop the IV treatment and switch to oral medication for treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to administer oral antibiotics and antiviral medications for treatment and observe for a few days while maintaining treatment; it is best not to undergo IV treatment when possible. Generally, for colds and fevers, oral medication is initially administered before resorting to IV therapy. It is best to have some common medications such as cold and fever remedies, anti-inflammatory drugs, antivirals, and antidiarrheals at home. Simply cooling down the fever with medication is not effective; it’s better to actively treat with antivirals or anti-infection treatments. Wishing for good health and happiness.