
Yesterday afternoon, I gave my baby a bath at a room temperature of about 22 degrees Celsius, with the electric heater on. The baby was sitting next to the heater. Around 6 PM yesterday, after waking up from a nap, the baby developed a fever with an armpit temperature of 38 degrees. After giving the baby Anruike, the body temperature decreased, but this morning, when I woke up to measure it, it was 37.7 degrees. In the past, I have only given the baby half a bag of Anruike, and no allergic reactions have been observed. I would like to ask an expert if this fever is related to the bath in the afternoon? What should be the room temperature for baby’s bath? How should I handle it, and do I need to take the baby to see a doctor? Thank you very much.


Based on your description, your baby’s fever after taking a bath could be due to catching a cold during the bath. Generally, a room temperature of around 22 degrees Celsius is appropriate, but you should ensure that you prepare a warm environment beforehand, such as using an electric heater or a bathroom heater to raise the room temperature, adjust the water temperature appropriately, and make sure the baby is fully immersed in the water during the bath. After bathing, immediately wrap the baby in clothes to prevent catching a cold, dry off their hair, and give them some warm water to drink. For baby’s common cold and fever, taking fever-reducing medicine alone is not enough; it is best to also take some anti-cold medication, starting with some with fewer side effects such as traditional Chinese medicine. Wishing your baby a healthy and quick recovery.