
My baby started coughing and then had a continuous fever. Now, they have phlegm and continue to cough for a week. Previous treatment and effects: The intravenous treatment did not improve, and there is still coughing with phlegm. Needed help: Want to know what methods can solve this.


Your baby’s condition may be a manifestation of a respiratory infection or pneumonia. If necessary, a chest X-ray can be performed to determine the cause. Medications such as Shifuzi, Aotus Children’s Qingfei Oral Liquid, and Muxutan can be given to your baby. If intravenous treatment is needed, it is recommended to use Penicillin. At the same time, encourage your baby to drink plenty of water, consume fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid spicy and irritating foods. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery.