What are the symptoms of infantile epilepsy?
The symptoms of epilepsy can differ based on the type. Common symptoms of grand mal seizures include sudden loss of consciousness, falling to the ground, backward tilt of the head, upward rolling of the eyes, frothing at the mouth, bluish complexion, biting of the teeth or tongue, and even incontinence of urine or feces. After the seizure, there is no memory of the event, and the body may experience pain and weakness. Petit mal seizures manifest as brief loss of consciousness, sudden interruption in speech or movement, and can resume normal activities after the seizure. Focal seizures primarily present as regional or unilateral limb twitching, and if the abnormal discharge spreads, it may extend to the entire body. Psychomotor seizures are characterized by sudden onset, confusion, and irregular and uncoordinated movements such as searching, screaming, and running aimlessly. Patients exhibit purposeless, goalless, and impulsive behavior, with seizures lasting for several hours or even days. Patients have no memory of the seizure process. In case of an emergency, it is recommended to seek detailed examination and treatment at a regular hospital as soon as possible to avoid missing the best treatment opportunity and causing unnecessary harm. I hope this information is helpful to you and wish you a speedy recovery.