
Can a four-and-a-half-month-old baby drink soup made from goji berries, osmanthus dates, and jujube? Is it also okay for them to have fish soup and bone soup?


A four-and-a-half-month-old baby can consume a small amount of soup made from goji berries, osmanthus dates, and jujube, as well as fish soup and bone soup. Starting from four and a half months, the amount of fish liver oil drops can be gradually reduced from 4 drops per day to 6 drops, administered in two doses. Vegetable juice and fruit juice can also start with 3 tablespoons and gradually increase to 5 tablespoons, fed in two doses. Additionally, cooked egg yolks can be introduced, starting with a quarter of an egg, mashed and mixed with rice porridge or milk, then gradually increasing to half an egg. From four months and a half, soft rice gruel without grains can be introduced, starting with 1 tablespoon per day. If the baby absorbs well, it can be increased to 2-3 tablespoons from five months old, with half a tablespoon of vegetable puree added to the porridge, fed in two doses.