
A three-month-old baby has been experiencing diarrhea with milk curd during breastfeeding for a month. Despite using various medications (such as Montmorillonite Clay Powder, Jin Shuai Qi probiotics, and Lactase Powder), the symptoms have not improved. I would like to know what the possible causes are and how to help the baby recover.


The baby has been experiencing diarrhea with milk curd for a month during breastfeeding. Medications to promote absorption have not shown improvement. Based on the baby’s symptoms, it may be considered as functional digestive disorders. How is the baby’s spirits and appetite? If the baby’s spirits and appetite are good, there is no need for special treatment. As the baby grows, the digestive function will become more mature and the condition will naturally improve. Of course, infant Jianpisan and Simo Decoctioncan also be used for tonification. The three medications you mentioned are acceptable, but if they are not effective, you should consider changing medications. Wishing the baby good health and growth.