
My baby has been coughing for a long time now. It seemed to have improved after the initial illness, but then it got severe again. After taking medication for a week, there are still occasional coughs, and it got severe again a few days ago. The coughing continues day and night. Now, after taking medication and applying traditional Chinese medicine patches at night, the baby sleeps well during the day without coughing. Sometimes, there are fewer coughs during the day, and when crying, there are a few coughs, which is slightly better than before. But I’m not sure why the coughing has lessened. However, when coughing, there is a slightly hoarse sensation in the throat, some pain, like the pain from a long-lasting cough. What could be the cause of this?


There are many babies like yours who are experiencing this right now, which is closely related to the current weather conditions. Indoor heating measures are too warm, allowing bacteria and viruses to grow quickly. Babies at this age have weak resistance, and sudden changes in temperature can easily affect their respiratory systems. In addition to using medication for treatment, it is also important to maintain good living habits, give the baby more warm water to drink, which can slow down the frequency of coughing, and avoid spicy, greasy, and fatty foods to prevent excessive physical activity.