
What should I do if my child loves to sleep after recovering from pneumonia?


Your child had pneumonia recently and received intravenous fluids, but stopped after a few days. Then, they had a fever for two consecutive days, with a high fever on the third day. They began to love taking naps on the third day, and even though the fever subsided, they still prefer naps. Is this normal, do they need to catch up on sleep? I’m happy to clarify this for you. The situation you described—your child having a fever repeatedly for two days, now without fever but feeling unwell and losing appetite—could be a sign of the recovery period. It could also indicate other issues. It’s best to observe closely and seek medical advice promptly if the symptoms persist. These are suggestions for the situation where “your child had pneumonia recently and received intravenous fluids but stopped after a few days.” I hope this helps and wish you all the best in your health!