
My 1.5-year-old baby has been coughing every morning for nearly 2 months, with only two coughs each time, and there is no coughing during the day or at night; sometimes, after coughing, the throat becomes hoarse. After a detailed examination at the hospital, including X-rays and blood tests, everything was normal. The doctor diagnosed it as upper respiratory tract cough syndrome and prescribed a 5-day nebulizer treatment, which improved the symptoms slightly, with the cough decreasing. After that, I went back for a follow-up visit, and the doctor prescribed another 9-day nebulizer treatment with reduced dosage. The baby had no cough for three to four days after the treatment and did not go back to the hospital for a follow-up visit. However, the baby started coughing every morning again, and the symptoms were similar to those before the nebulizer treatment. How should the baby be treated? What medication can be taken? Additionally, the baby has recently had irregular bowel movements, but appetite and afternoon naps are normal, and the baby does not have a runny nose.


Dear inquirer, based on your description of your baby’s condition, I believe that your baby is suitable for traditional Chinese medicine treatment. In traditional Chinese medicine, your baby may be suffering from this condition due to yin deficiency. Consider giving your baby medications such as Bai He Gu Jin Wan. For this kind of illness, these drugs have certain therapeutic effects. It is recommended to administer one-fifth of a pill twice daily to your baby. Wishing the little one a speedy recovery and a healthy body and a wonderful life.