
The baby has been coughing for half a month, occasionally coughing a few times, and has been having some wheezing recently. The wheezing is not frequent. The baby has taken ceftriaxone and antipyretic medications for five days, but there has been no significant improvement. Can the baby only take cough-suppressing and wheezing-relieving medications without antibiotics?


The diagnosis of a disease requires a comprehensive evaluation of the medical history, symptoms, signs, and related examinations. Common causes of a child’s cough include infections (such as colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung abscess, tuberculosis, etc.), allergic reactions (such as allergic rhinitis, asthma), and respiratory foreign body aspiration. Wheezing is usually related to inflammation and high airway reactivity. Treatment should include antibiotic therapy. Since the previous administration of ceftriaxone was not effective, it is recommended to consult a hospital to determine the cause and, if necessary, switch to a different antibiotic.