
My six-month-old baby had diarrhea five times yesterday after eating mashed potatoes. I stopped her complementary feeding and only fed her two spoonfuls of rice porridge, but she is still having diarrhea today. She had diarrhea at 3 AM, 7 AM, 11 AM, and three times in the afternoon, totaling six times. She had good bowel movements when eating rice porridge, adding pumpkin, and had one bowel movement a day. But after eating potatoes, she got diarrhea. Is it an allergy or food poisoning?


Based on the described situation and clinical diagnosis symptoms, I consider it to be dyspepsia. Considering the symptoms you described, I suggest paying attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm to prevent colds and taking symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication for children. These are the suggestions for the question “What to Do If a Six-Month-Old Baby Has Diarrhea After Eating Mashed Potatoes.” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!