
My baby developed bronchial pneumonia at six months old and was hospitalized for ten days. A week after discharge, the symptoms recurred. After more than ten days of intravenous treatment at a local children’s hospital, the baby is now eight months old and still has recurrent episodes. I don’t know what to do.


From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, the baby’s symptoms fall under coughing, mainly caused by improper diet and lifestyle habits, leading to wind-cold invasion. It is advised to pay attention to preventing colds, avoid eating cold and raw foods and fruits, as these are cool foods that are not suitable for consumption during coughing. At present, you can take oral medications to disperse wind-cold, clear the lungs, and resolve phlegm, such as Wind-Cold Cough Granules and Children’s Lung-Clearing Syrup. I hope these suggestions can help you, and wish your baby a speedy recovery!