
A child has developed a high fever (39 degrees) and has had at least six diarrhea attacks within a day, with severe crying and restlessness at night. Previous treatments and their effects included intravenous drips, but the diarrhea persisted after the fever subsided. Assistance is needed to resolve the diarrhea condition.


Based on the description, it is suspected that the high fever may have caused dysfunction in the digestive system. During vomiting, it is advisable to lower the body and turn the head to avoid lung infections caused by coughing. It is recommended to use physical cooling methods or medication for fever reduction (such as children’s ibuprofen). Vomiting reflects weakened gastrointestinal absorption function, so it is suggested to increase fluid intake, temporarily stop complementary feeding, and switch to breastfeeding. In cases of severe vomiting, it may be necessary to fast for 12-24 hours and observe for abdominal pain and nausea symptoms. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish the child a swift recovery.