
A two-week-old baby developed a persistent hoarse throat sound during nap on Tuesday. The situation worsened on Tuesday night, with the baby feeling as if the throat was blocked by phlegm, but there were no symptoms of shortness of breath. On Wednesday morning, the baby’s body temperature rose to 37.8 degrees Celsius, and they were immediately taken to a 24-hour clinic for consultation.


Based on the description, it can be determined that the baby may have bronchitis or other respiratory system diseases. Treatment should be symptomatic, and care should be taken. If there is coughing and phlegm, cool blood medicine or nebulizer inhalation treatment can be used. If there are signs of bacterial infection, antibiotics can be administered. During fever, temperature should be lowered, and attention should be paid to light and easy-to-digest diet, drinking small amounts of warm water frequently, and ensuring adequate rest.