
Child with flu and fever for five days, still has nasal congestion, occasional cough with mucus, yellow and thick eyelids. Currently taking Lianqin oral liquid, Oseltamivir, Azithromycin, and Lianqin. Need to know what to do to cool the blood and cure the cold? Can I focus on taking the medication?


Based on your description of the situation, has the child undergone a complete blood count test? Given the current condition of the child, it is recommended to first perform a complete blood count and CRP test to understand the infection situation. If it is a viral infection, you can take Oseltamivir granules and Lianqin oral liquid. For cough with mucus, you can take Ambroxol oral liquid to break up mucus and relieve cough. For thick mucus, you can also do mist therapy and drink more water. These are suggestions for the ‘Child with flu and fever for five days, still has nasal congestion’ issue. I hope they are helpful to you and wish you good health!