
My child is usually very active, but when watching TV, playing games, or drawing, they are fully absorbed. However, during other times, they are constantly moving around in school, and if classmates hit them, they don’t know about it and don’t report it. From kindergarten to elementary school, they have never been able to faintly remember their classmates’ names. What is this characteristic?


Based on your description: ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common type of psychological disorder in children. It is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, and poor recovery that are not appropriate for their age and developmental level. There are many factors that can lead to ADHD in children, such as heredity, environmental factors, family and psychological social factors, etc. It is necessary to conduct physical examinations, mental state inspections, and intelligence tests before an accurate diagnosis can be made. Treatment involves formulating a comprehensive evaluation intervention plan based on the characteristics of the child and the family, and medication can also temporarily alleviate some symptoms.