
My child has had a fever for over five hours now, and although we’ve given them fever-reducing medicine and applied fever-reducing patches, the fever hasn’t subsided. This is an unprecedented situation, and I’m seeking assistance to understand how to effectively bring down the fever.


Fever-reducing medications can only temporarily alleviate symptoms and do not cure the underlying cause of the fever. It is crucial to identify the root cause of the child’s fever and provide targeted treatment. For instance, if it’s caused by an upper respiratory infection, antiviral or antibiotic medications may be necessary. If it’s due to indigestion leading to food accumulation, digestive medications might be required. Given the current situation, in addition to continuing with the current treatment, consider using lukewarm water for sponge baths to help lower the child’s temperature. Moreover, it’s important to seek medical assistance for a thorough examination to determine the cause of the fever and to use other medications or treatment methods as needed.