
What should I do if my 3.5-year-old baby suddenly develops a fever in the afternoon and keeps feeling drowsy?


Does the baby have any other discomforts besides the fever? If it’s just a common cold with a fever, it might be a viral infection, and you can give them pediatric Chai Zi Qingre Granules orally. If the body temperature is between 37.5-38.2 degrees Celsius, physical cooling is necessary, using warm water to wipe the neck, armpits, groin, and ankle pits. If the body temperature is above 38.5 degrees Celsius or does not decrease, you can alternate between fever-reducing medicine and fever-reducing liquid, ensuring that both are taken at least four times within 24 hours. When the baby has a fever, peripheral circulation is poor, which is why their hands and feet may feel cold again.