
The baby’s body temperature is between 35.7 to 36.1 degrees Celsius. Should I be worried? Additionally, the baby has diarrhea three to four times a day, farts after drinking water and has a small amount of loose stool afterward, does not cry or fuss, has no fever, often takes naps during the day, has an itchy ear, does not want to drink formula milk but prefers breast milk, previously could drink 90 milliliters of formula milk, now only drinks 100 milliliters, and follows the parent’s food intake.


The baby’s body temperature of 35.7 to 36.1 degrees Celsius is slightly low but there is no need to worry; please ensure the baby stays warm. The baby’s loose stools and frequent napping during the day may be due to poor digestion or abdominal coldness. The itchy ear might be due to an external auditory canal inflammation. At six months old, the baby may experience physiological anemia. Inadequate care or exposure to cold may lead to vomiting. It is recommended to take the baby for a blood routine and stool routine check at the hospital to rule out anemia or infection. Also, take the baby to an otolaryngology department for an external auditory canal inflammation check. Administer intestinal probiotics to the baby and perform abdominal massage for the baby.