
Why do children feel cold in their limbs when they have a fever?


When children have a fever, their bodies increase body temperature to fight off infections. During this process, the blood flow concentrates to core organs to protect them from infection. This results in reduced blood flow to the limbs and surrounding body parts, causing them to feel cold. This is a common phenomenon with fever and usually does not require special treatment. However, if the child has a cough along with the fever and the antipyretic medication (such as ibuprofen) is not effective, it is advisable for parents to take their child to see a doctor to determine if there are other underlying causes and to receive appropriate treatment. Medically, the phenomenon of cold hands and feet often occurs and can be referred to as coldness syndrome. If it is not very severe, it generally does not require medication treatment. It can be alleviated through preventive measures and self-regulation. First, increase physical activity, such as walking, doing exercises, singing, and dancing, to promote blood circulation. Second, improve through diet by eating warm-body foods like black chicken, glue, lamb, rabbit meat, turtle, and longan, which can help the body feel warm and have a rosy complexion.