
A 15-year-old adolescent began to feel an uncomfortable sensation in the throat or below the throat last Wednesday, including a feeling of food sticking during swallowing. Sometimes, there’s also a sharp pain in the chest, accompanied by coughing. He is worried that these symptoms could be signs of esophageal cancer.


Experts believe that these symptoms are more likely caused by tonsillitis. Treatment should focus on finding the cause and prevention. It is recommended to quit smoking and drinking, thoroughly eliminate various external adverse factors. You can use mouthwash to clean the mouth, apply iodine glycerin locally, and consider laser surgery if vesicles form. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment can also be adopted, such as drinking hawthorn tea. Prevention measures include exercising, strengthening physical fitness, preventing upper respiratory tract infections to prevent acute recurrence of chronic tonsillitis. Pay attention to oral and nasal hygiene, comprehensively prevent and treat diseases of the mouth and nose. Pay attention to dietary hygiene, ensure a balanced diet, avoid eating overly hot or cold and spicy irritant foods, and keep the bowels regular. Since chronic tonsillitis has a long course and slow therapeutic effect, it is not easy to completely recover on its own, so appropriate treatment is needed. Do not worry too much; maintaining a pleasant mood is very important.