
My daughter has had a large amount of eye discharge and mucus in her left eye since birth, and it hasn’t improved for over two months. When I took her for a physical examination, I asked the doctor about it, and they suggested trying chloramphenicol eye drops first. Now, more than a week has passed, and there is still no effect. I would appreciate any help: Doctor, what could be wrong with my daughter’s eye, and what kind of treatment should be done!


Your daughter’s condition is likely due to a blocked lacrimal duct, which has caused conjunctivitis. I suggest giving your baby a massage. Starting from the inner corner of the eye, massage along the lacrimal duct direction, horizontally downwards to the sides of the nostrils. Do this 20 times per session, twice a day. The technique should not be too forceful; just add a little pressure. The presence of eye boogers is a sign of inflammation. You can give your baby either ophthalmic ofloxacin or eyesalve eye drops; both are effective.