
A six-month-old baby developed green stools after switching to the second stage formula milk of the same brand. The second stage formula has been discontinued, and the baby is now back to using the first stage formula, but the stools are still green. There have been no new complementary foods or vegetables introduced. The stools yesterday and today are as green as meconium. What could be the cause?


Based on the uploaded information, it is suspected that the baby may have developed this condition due to dyspepsia and cold. Do not introduce any new complementary foods for now and continue using the first stage formula until the gastrointestinal tract adjusts. Then gradually adjust the complementary foods. At the same time, pay attention to abdominal warmth and consider pediatric acupuncture treatment, which has been effective. You can also take some probiotics or similar preparations. Wishing the baby a speedy recovery and a healthy body and a beautiful life. Good luck.