
A 1.5-year-old child is experiencing symptoms of fever, with the highest body temperature reaching 39 degrees, and the fever recurs. The child has taken three doses of fever-reducing medication and has been examined at a hospital, where it was diagnosed with inflammation and throat inflammation. The doctor has prescribed Ceftriaxone for Lung Purification syrup and cold medicine. The parents have kept fever-reducing medication at home and administered 1.25 milliliters to the child every six hours. After the child’s temperature drops, it rises again, and the parents ask whether they can alternate the use of Tylenol fever-reducing medication.


At 1.5 years old, the baby is in the infant stage and is experiencing repeated episodes of fever accompanied by throat inflammation, which is often related to respiratory infections. When using fever-reducing medications, there should be at least a four-hour interval between doses of the same medication, and no fewer than four doses should be used within a 24-hour period. Additionally, alternating between two different fever-reducing medications is possible. This is the complete answer to the question, “How to Handle a 1.5-Year-Old Baby’s Repeated Fever Rising to 39 Degrees?” We hope the patient can recover soon.