
A postpartum woman has a fever on the ninth day after giving birth, and physical therapy has been ineffective. Taking 999 (a common cold medicine) does not help either. After using rectal fever-reducing medication, the fever decreases, but it rises again a few hours later. This has been happening for two days now. Even after going to the hospital on the third day for intravenous drip treatment and using rectal fever-reducing medication, the fever temperature rises again soon. What should I do?


In this situation, it’s important to consider the possibility of infectious fever. If the body temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is generally not necessary to use fever-reducing medication. If the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, fever-reducing medication can be used appropriately. This is all the information about “What to Do When a Postpartum Woman Has a Fever After 9 Days and Physical Therapy Fails.” Lastly, wishing the patient a speedy recovery and a healthy life.