Why does my baby keep vomiting when switching from breast milk to formula feeding despite having high jaundice? The doctor recommended discontinuing breast milk for three days to see if it helps, but the child is not satisfied with formula feeding and gets hungry every half hour. They can’t eat much at one time and often vomit. Is this normal? What precautions should be taken when switching from breast milk to formula?
High jaundice in infants may indicate breast milk jaundice, and the doctor advises stopping breast milk feeding for 72 hours. Now, the baby should be on formula feeding, which is typically fed every three to four hours. It’s also recommended to give the baby water between feedings to stay full. If the baby can’t eat much at one time and keeps vomiting, getting hungry every half hour, it might be because the baby doesn’t like the formula. Since the baby has to be on formula now, there’s no need for a transition. The baby will gradually get used to the formula.