
The newborn is just over a month old, and the breast milk supply is not sufficient, so a mixed feeding method is adopted. The baby releases foul gas throughout the day and has a bowel movement once or twice a day, with a large amount and an unusual odor. Is this related to the formula milk the baby is drinking? Do we need to change the formula milk?


Based on the description, considering that the baby may be experiencing dyspepsia due to indigestion. It is recommended to use the correct feeding method and carefully observe the baby’s condition. If the baby shows discomfort or cries, it is advisable to visit a pediatrician for a re-examination. There is currently no need to change the formula milk. It is suggested to feed breast milk first, then gradually introduce formula milk after the baby has fully suckled the breast milk. As the breast milk supply increases, gradually increase the amount of formula milk. If the baby’s indigestion is severe, consider taking probiotics for adjustment.