
I noticed something off with my baby during their afternoon nap recently. Their limbs are slightly trembling and twitching, but the child doesn’t seem to feel it. I suspect they might have epilepsy. I want to know what the symptoms of a baby’s minor epilepsy seizure are?


The symptoms of a baby’s minor epilepsy seizure include sudden loss of consciousness, falling, temporary cessation of breathing, vomiting foam, whole-body tonic spasms, biting of lips and tongue, and incontinence of urine and feces. Major seizures usually end within a few minutes. For petit mal seizures and myoclonic seizures: During a petit mal seizure in children, they usually show sudden staring or upward rolling of the eyes, dazedness, interruption of movement and speech, dropping objects, and not responding to calls. The attack lasts for about tens of seconds before they return to normal.