
The one-year-old baby had dry vomiting yesterday and started vomiting and diarrhea at night, with diarrhea that was yellow in color. Today, the baby no longer has dry vomiting but continues to have diarrhea and has taken some children’s digestive oral liquid.


Based on the baby’s clinical symptoms, acute gastroenteritis is a likely possibility, with the possibility of norovirus infection not ruled out. Recommendations: 1) Take oral montmorillonite powder and golden bifidum, and apply abdominal umbilical patches; 2) Pay attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm; 3) Closely observe the baby’s mental state. If the baby is in good spirits, willing to eat, has normal urine output, and skin is not dry, there is no major problem. However, if the baby shows symptoms such as a poor spirit, reduced urine output, or dry skin, immediate fluid replacement and a visit to the hospital for re-examination should be sought.