
My baby is 10 months old and has been running a fever since 6 PM on the 30th. The fever has persisted for 2 days and 2 nights. The highest body temperature reached 38.7 degrees, with a normal temperature of over 37 degrees. Accompanying symptoms include severe runny nose and slight cough. Medication for fever reduction and heat patches have been ineffective. What should I do?


Based on the information provided, your baby may have an upper respiratory infection. Please provide details about the current medications being used and the severity of the cough. Respiratory infections are prone to recurrence, so consider giving your child a pediatric cold and fever syrup, 5 milliliters each time, three times a day; Pudilan Oral Solution, half a vial each time, twice a day; and FeiLiKe, 5 milliliters each time, three times a day. If the cough subsides but the temperature does not drop, consider using appropriate physical cooling measures.