
What’s going on with my baby’s small bulge above the right ear? I need assistance: My baby has a small bulge above the right ear (growing on the side of the ear), slightly smaller than a soybean. It doesn’t seem painful or swollen, and it wasn’t there before; I just noticed it recently! The child’s spirit and diet are normal. Please tell me what this could be and if treatment is needed? Thank you for the expert advice.


Dear parent, there’s no need to worry. The child’s condition should not be a major issue; it may simply be a regional cartilage growth phenomenon with no interference. It is advisable to take the child to the hospital for a check-up to rule out other possible diseases. That should do it. This is my suggestion for the question “What’s going on with my baby’s small bulge above the right ear?” I hope it helps you, and wish you health!