
How should I implement physical fever reduction measures for a child whose body temperature has risen to 39 degrees? They started having a fever yesterday afternoon, accompanied by slight nasal discharge. No checks have been conducted yet. About ten days ago, the child was hospitalized for pneumonia and has just been discharged. What help do I need at this point?


When a child’s body temperature reaches 39 degrees, the situation appears more serious. It is recommended that you go to the hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination to determine the cause of the fever and receive appropriate treatment. You can use warm water or alcohol to wipe areas such as the forehead, armpits, and ankles to help lower the body temperature. Additionally, seeking professional medical help early on for an accurate diagnosis of the cause is the best approach to treatment. Wishing the child a swift recovery. These are suggestions for the question “How to implement physical fever reduction for a child with a temperature of 39 degrees,” hoping they are helpful to you, and wishing you health!