
Nine months old. Last night, the child cried continuously and had a bloated abdomen. Today, there were two bowel movements, and the evening one contained yesterday’s carrot pieces and translucent, slightly yellow mucus. What could be the cause?


Based on the description, the child may be experiencing symptoms due to dyspepsia or a potential enteritis. Here are some recommended measures:

  1. Administer digestive aids such as Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus, or pepsin hydrolysate oral solutions.
  2. Massage the abdominal area around the navel in a clockwise direction to help relieve bloating.
  3. Temporarily adjust the child’s diet to a pureed consistency for easier digestion and absorption. Please monitor the child’s condition. If there is no improvement or other symptoms appear, seek medical attention promptly.