
My baby, who is 11 months old, has had diarrhea for two days now. I’m not sure what the cause is; it looks like indigestion. I would like to know what I should do.


If the baby has no fever and no other discomforts or abnormalities, it is likely that the gastrointestinal function is disrupted. A detailed examination should be conducted for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Daily diet should be paid attention to, nursing should be strengthened, and the abdomen should be kept warm to avoid cold and damp stimuli. If there are symptoms of nausea or vomiting, Montmorillonite powder can be used to relieve them; if there are symptoms of indigestion or abdominal pain, consider using drugs such as Lactase, Chicken Gizzards powder, Pancreatic Enzyme powder, etc., and combine them with abdominal cold compresses, massage, or acupuncture treatment. In most cases, the condition will improve. Please follow the doctor’s guidance for specific treatment plans. The above is for reference only.