My son is 3 years old. Initially, he said he felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed that he was coughing more severely and had a bit of a fever and seemed less energetic. How should I treat low-fever pediatric tonsillitis?
To effectively treat tonsillitis, one can choose symptomatic anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance and complement with regional treatment methods, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and injection medications. If the child primarily experiences sore throat, it is recommended for parents to give appropriate painkillers for relief. Additionally, if fever is present, children can be given antipyretics. For high fever cases, it is advised to seek medical attention promptly. Besides these medication treatment methods, if the child repeatedly suffers from tonsillitis, surgical treatment may also be considered. At the same time, pay attention to arranging a reasonable diet and rest schedule for the child to help the disease recover sooner.