
My baby is three months old and has limited abduction of the left thigh. However, the ultrasound shows that the hip joint develops normally. What could be the cause? I am very anxious, please help me answer this!


According to your description, your baby’s limited hip abduction could be caused by various factors, including muscle tension, overly tight tendons, or nerve compression. Although the ultrasound shows that the hip joint develops normally, this could be a sign of other issues. It is recommended that you take your baby to the hospital’s orthopedic department for further X-ray examination to determine the cause. Meanwhile, you can take some preventive measures, such as changing your baby’s sleeping position, avoiding prolonged sitting or improper holding, and providing enough space for your baby to move freely. Additionally, you can provide appropriate stretching exercises and massage for your baby to help relax muscles and increase joint mobility. It is important not to over-worry and maintain your baby’s regular lifestyle and balanced nutrition, avoiding over-exhaustion or catching a cold. Lastly, it is suggested that you and your baby consume more vegetables and fruits to enhance immunity and engage in appropriate physical activities to strengthen the lumbar and core muscle groups.