
My baby is three months old and recently I’ve noticed that his left thigh cannot be fully extended outward, as if there’s some restriction. We took him for an ultrasound, and the doctor said the hip joint development is normal, but we are still worried. What could this be, and what should we do?


Based on your description, the baby’s limited hip abduction might be caused by poor posture, calcium deficiency, or muscle strain. In this case, it is recommended that you take your baby to the hospital’s orthopedic department for a detailed X-ray examination to determine the root of the problem. In daily life, you should ensure that your baby avoids prolonged sitting or standing and encourage him to do more stretching exercises. Additionally, maintaining a healthy and regular lifestyle, avoiding damp and cold environments, and engaging in appropriate stress-reduction activities can help improve your baby’s condition. Lastly, it is suggested that you let your baby eat more vegetables and fruits to enhance his immunity and reduce unnecessary worries.